BWAHA! I nearly spit out my water. Twice. While reading this at work. O.M.G. This was hilare. Particularly the list of phrases (I'm stealing them). Ever since watching "The Mandalorian", I've been using the phrase, "I have spoken" a lot around my family. They've all seen the show, so they get it. My sister more than my Dad, of course, so we always have a good 3 min laugh every time I use it.

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I also want to say, and I don’t know how to explain it, but reading this gave me a similar feeling from when I watched The Leftovers. Season 2 and 3, but rewatching that heartbreaking scene from season 1, it made me want to watch it all again from the start.

What is that feeling? Awe? That’s the closest I can come up with. I’ll use simile instead. It was like witnessing someone discovering magic. And realizing they would forever be a magician.

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If this was the news I would read it every day. Wait, it is the news, isn’t it? Another memoir title you might use is FUNNY ON PURPOSE.

You just proved that all you need is a baby, a cafe and 3 hours of sleep and you will always have something to write about. Oh and a pastry.

I will work on incorporating your catchphrases. But I should warn you, I suck at getting people to work them into their lexicon (lexicons? Lexiconi?) My wife and I tried to get the phrase “don’t shit in my tuna” to replace “don’t rain on my parade” and failed miserably.

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Funny! I enjoyed coming along with you on your distraction journey.

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You are fabulous, Ani. And you just named your memoir: REFUSE TO ELABORATE. xo

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