"All these physicists that went mad trying to grasp infinity should’ve just spent a week with a toddler." Another delightfully funny post that's also full of pathos and other good stuff. A wonderful Christmas hamper of an essay.

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“I think some more about the box of tissue wrapped Soviet-made ornaments from my childhood.”

Those would be fun to see!

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You had my heart beating on that story. Lordt. #strangerdanger How did you get home?

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I just want to reach through the screen and give you a hug, Ani. First, you did the right thing -- the phone was taken from you. Not your fault you have a kind heart and met an unkind man/boy/jerk. Second, I was dosed once, and thank gawd I had a very good, patient, sober friend who got me home safely. Long story shorter, it wasn't a date; just a guy who wanted to dance with me, I said no, but he offered to buy me a drink at last call, I was dumb enough to say yes (I knew the bartenders and doormen; it was my safe space, so I thought). On the way home, I almost got into a car with a bunch of guys, because I was in a good mood and, sure, why not go to another party! My friend pulled me out, got us a cab, and got me home safe before I became ill. Clearly, you made it home. I just hope it was safely, easily and you were okay. So, yeah. Reaching through the screen and giving you a hug, you amazing creature. xo

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