I don't think I've ever been to a salon that wasn't mixed—though my grandfather took me to a barbershop once that was only for men. It was unpleasant. A lot of places around here are now charging either by length rather than gender or they have a nonbinary pricing alongside men and women's. So, yes, hair is very political. In my youth it was perhaps one of the most political everyday actions a young person could take.

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Yes! This is what this salon does too, charging by length and what kind of service you want without accounting for gender. I have to say that this averaging brings the price down very significantly from a women only place 😵‍💫

Thank you so much for this snippet of education! From my very limited field of view i haven’t even considered the benefits of such places. I honestly (all jokes aside) found the atmosphere a lot more relaxed and welcoming.

Trying to imagine the conversations in an old school barbershop when all I have to go on is that one scene from Community and, well, yikes.

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"I was becoming angry. Imagine, imagine waking up with perfect hair four out of seven days? And not only that, there is a solution for the other three days?! The world is truly a rotten, unfair place." I just love the way get so much out of a visit to the hairdresser. I don't know about hair, but it seems to me that you have words very well under control. Groomed to perfection even.

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I swear if there was a compliment olympics you would sweep up golds across the board 😭

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Like you, I prefer it when a woman works on my hair, too. And a 4-day good hair week seems to be a freakin' miracle when you're a woman. Lordt, men have it easy sometimes! And yes, hair can be a political thing. I'll be talking about it this week, too.

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The sad fact is our best hair days happen when we have no plans/nowhere to go. Or, at least that's my sad fact. xo

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